Saturday, November 19, 2011

The invastion of nations is happening again

The humans are not a diferent type of species than the other living bings. as the davin expalined there is one thing common for all bings .. that is the fight for suvival and as usuall the law of the suvival of the fittest applies to any environment where the living beings are there..But why.. the reason is that there are no places where the resources are not limited. every place the resources are limited and hence the only the fittest may use and suvive and the weak shall die.

This was a cristal clear thing in huamn history. there are many stories in the ancient times. we can head 1000s of stories of invasion of kingdoms by other nations. for food ,for resources,for land for many things and when the world developed a little. the distance jurnies were posible. then the process became faster but the laws were not changed.

the Portuguese. then Dutch and English nations invaded the countries all round the world and captured the resources of the countries.and according to the laws the fittest here the europians survived.

after centuries the laws were still not changes and the fighting was still going on but many different ways. the world war I and World War II was fought killing millians of people. and again the fittest suvived.

now again the game is still ongoing now for the Oil the limited resource for the future. Now the game takes many modes ,some countries its fought using the Human rights. some countries mass distruction vepons, other countries democracy and Financial ways.
Current Invasion is in the means of privatitation of the companies. Europian and US coorperations buying the local companies for cheap giving some money to politicians and stupid laws are results of the under going actions of invation. by little bu litte its happening. Its not possible to stop this as it is natural and it must happens the fittest shall suvive and weak must die for the life to continue its jurney with the evalution for the future.
Today the fittest have money and time and they are ruled by well educated people who foresee the world many years ahead while the weak are ruled by politicians who know noting and had come to power by using frud and no nothing. the strongsts have time to think but weak people dont have time to think even they are continuously at war for living day today lives. so the results can not be changed and as you and me undestands the results is cristal clear the strongest shall win and its happening..

Only think we can do if possible if we want to suveive is to join the fittest..leave the weakest...that will allow us to be suvived for some time and may fight back if we can become more stronger..

And its hapenning day by day the rest of the world is siglant as no one dare to fight back as thers no unity and there is actually a war for suvival among all the countries in the world, Why because of the the globalization which was result of europians Invation in the eally times and their Wold Bank their IMF and many US and Europians organizations. so Its happening one by one Panama,Afganistan, Libia,Cuba, Palasthene, Iraque, may be your country...

The news today are manipulated and are used for controlling the people. We shall not believe the news on TV and radio any more. They are lies to control us. They shout for the money and nothing else. Internet is the only way people can find the correct information. But after the Liberian invasion US Government identified the Face-book as a place where people get to know the truth and hence they started controlling the face-book and many posts about the libia and US were vanished from the face-book so they are monitoring us. so be careful when posting in face-book it sot safe anymore.

Some Link to refer:

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