Friday, November 18, 2011

The Modern World

It's a real difficult question to answer , What really is the Modern World??? so as it appears its really a subjective thing to discuss. your views will be very important in this matter so see how correctly I see it in the end.
How ever  the modern world is an completely different place to what our former generations had experienced. there was a time were money was not a major concern and people had the things they needed and either they used to satisfy from what tey had or they interchanged the things they had to get the things they want.
there was enough Land, enough food , .. for everyone. so no need money or business or companies ..corporations...
What happened then.., the companies and big corporations were formed in the Europe which were profit oriented. they wanted to make profits more and more profits every year...
they started to absorb the resources form the people and build their empires  and the slavery had begun. the corporations became the super powers and the control's of the world. they controls the politics they controls the ..every thing...
The corporations are quite strategic  and act in well planned way. they started to conquer the world .. one by one all the countries ... they defeated the local governments or rulers and got the ruling powers for people who are controlled by them. they destroyed the local industries or agriculture....

then where to by foods or other required things ...... from the corporations... so Money is required. but How to make Money ...... you have to now do a job  ...every day ... until you die......The Modern slavery begun.
the most saddest thing is that people think they are free and they think governments are democratic they represent peoples views or we appoint the governments .. But really are they???....
people even don't understand that they are slaves of the Modern system... How sad...
Corporations are the super powers and they control the world , they use governments and and mainly the banks. World Bank controlled by US corporations and the US federal banks and other big banks are the rulers.
This is common to almost all the countries including Sri Lanka. see how and what they do??
they first corrupt the governments ... if they can not they will use their under ground teams (jackals) to either kill the leaders or overthrow them by using the stupid people in the same country.. they do any thing fro money..

they will give a big loan to the country with many rules. they will make sure its difficult for the country to pay the installment and interest. then the money need to be used for new projects and who are the contractors for the projects ...... the sub companies of the same corporations. the the money will directly go back to the source. the projects will not be much successful.. Why ..?? because the first step .. the government is corrupted. So they can not fight back and they will do the projects as they need and ultimate failure.. so poor people of the country gets nothing... their light bill oil price will go up every day....
Now the loan installment need to be paid back.. the government has not enough money .. then
Reduce funding for health and education or money to be given to poor .. and increase taxes... the peoples need to pay the loan interests and benefited are only corporations and the government politicians.
How sad...  So there's no way poor people can come up. the income gap between the poor and rich expands every day. the 41% of world wealth belongs to 1% of people.

the income gap between rich and poor in 1969 is 30:1 and in 1990 its 74:1, but the world bank projects to eliminate poverty is said to be successful 40% .. how can that be ..??????
So The Modern World is nothing but a business place where only the profits are important .., day by day the corporations are improving profits and expands the empire. the people without knowing this consider them selves as parts of the corporations and support this move. today can you trust media..... no Why it is controlled by corporations... what you see or here is not true..
thousands People are dying in Ethiopia without food /water Why media is silent about this? and why they cry when steave jobs die. that's is used by corporations to control what you think. If someone tells you this is a good product , can you believe it.. No he is a sales man.. so  is it possible to keep any ethics in this world.  this a system aiming for a disaster....

See the video below and You will understand. But remember this..
" None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsly believe they are free. " -- Goethe (Elective Affinities II.5; 1809)

" Physical slavery requires people to be housed and fed. Economic slavery requires people to feed and house themselves. " -- ZEITGEIST: ADDENDUM (2008)

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